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Simon Harris: Injecting centres do not legitimise drug use

The Minister for Health says that the government must and will shoulder its responsibilities in this area.

ADDICTION DOES NOT discriminate. It does not favour a gender, age, or geography. There are few families, towns or counties that have escaped the scourge of addiction.

There are many faces of addiction. We still have many challenges when discussing tobacco, alcohol and food addiction but thankfully, these conversations have begun.

However, when we discuss drug addiction, we fail to see past the labels. We paint a picture of addiction, which fails to recognise it is an illness which is relentless in its pursuit and ignorant of its prey.

We create stereotypes through our loose language compounding the isolation felt by the most vulnerable in our society.

And it must stop. I have spent the past two weeks visiting facilities such as Merchant’s Quay and Saol and met incredible staff and service users.

When I visited Saol, I heard directly from women battling addiction. I listened, we sang, we laughed and cried.

Their experiences were raw and powerful, but their determination and bravery were inspiring. I think particularly of one woman whose path led to prison. She told me about the many obstacles she has faced in battling addiction.


Source: Simon Harris T.D. , Minister for Health. The Journal, 18th November 2019

Posted by on 11/18 at 09:54 AM in
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