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LGBTI: ‘We are pleased to see chemsex included in the National Drugs Strategy’

The recently launched National Drug Strategy was welcomed by community activists this week. Having being renamed “Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery — a health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025”, it heralds a move away from a punishment approach to one of harm reduction and care.

While many news outlets ran with the possible decriminalisation of drugs for personal use and the introduction of legislation for supervised injecting sites, both of which are deserving of the positive attention they have attracted, there were many other positive moves included in the strategy.

We at the Gay Health Network (GHN) welcomed the strategy for being the first of its kind in Ireland to specifically mention the need for targeted harm-reduction, education and prevention measures that are tailored towards the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community.


Source: Adam Shanley, The, 22/07/2017

Posted by on 07/24 at 09:03 AM in
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