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Annual award celebrates excellence in scientific writing on illicit drugs

The acclaimed writers will be invited to Lisbon next autumn to present their articles during the conference Lisbon Addictions 2019, convening from 23–25 October in the Portuguese capital.

The prize, inaugurated in 2011 by the EMCDDA and its Scientific Committee, celebrates scientific writing and distinguishes high-quality research in the field of illicit drugs. This year, close to 40 papers were nominated by members of the agency’s Scientific Committee, the Reitox national focal points, drug research societies with a European focus, peer-reviewed scientific journals and by EMCDDA staff. The 2018 winning articles are:

Category 1: Basic biological, neurobiological and behavioural research

‘Blunted ventral striatal responses to anticipated rewards foreshadow problematic drug use in novelty-seeking adolescents’ (2017), first author Professor Dr Christian Büchel (Germany). Co-authors: Peters, J., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L. W., Bromberg, U., Conrod, P.J., Flor, H.,Papadopoulos, D., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Walter, H., Ittermann, B., Mann, K., Martinot, J.L, Paillère-Martinot, M.L.,Nees, F., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Poustka, L., Rietschel, M., Robbins, T.W., Smolka, M.N.,Gallinat, J., Schumann, G.,Knutson, B. and the IMAGEN consortium. Published in Nature Communications, Volume 8 — DOI:10.1038/ncomms14140.


Source: EMCDDA, 15th November 2018

Posted by on 11/15 at 10:11 AM in
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