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Alcohol and a society in denial

Sir, – Research emerged recently that strongly points to the harmful effect that alcohol has on our brains (“Just a few drinks will damage the brain, research shows”, June 6th).

People who drank alcohol had poorer word-recall skills and greater evidence of damage to their hippocampus, a part of the brain which plays a crucial role in memory. Most worryingly, they found that there was no safe level of alcohol consumption, although the heaviest drinkers demonstrated the largest deficits. This has upset the drinks industry. It has encouraged us not to take it too seriously. This was a large, long-term and well-designed study. While the results are very inconvenient to those of us who drink, they are hard to quibble with.


Source: Letter to the Editor, The Irish Times, 26/06/17 

Posted by on 06/26 at 08:53 AM in
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