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What’s in the powder? New psychoactive substances harm reduction campaign

What's in the powder? Poster. What's in the powder?

A number of different types of drugs come in white powder form. When buying illicit white powders you can never be fully sure of the contents. A range of new psychoactive substances have been found in drugs sold as cocaine, amphetamine and MDMA.  

The 'What’s in the Powder?’ campaign is a collaboration between three Dublin Universities, DIT, TCD, and UCD and and the Ana Liffey Drug Project.

Resources created include posters and fact sheets that have been distributed on campus and promoted on social media and on the

Generally, white powders are uppers (stimulant), downers (sedative) or trippy (hallucinogen).

Some examples of substances that come in white powder are:




Harm reduction information

The campaign features harm reduction information, including the following:

It is always safest not to take unknown or illicit drugs at all

If you do decide to take powders:

Seek help if needed and be honest with emergency services about what you think you've taken.

Ecstasy harm reduction information

Following the launch of the What's in the Pill? campaign on 1 April 2016 we are making the campaign poster and fact sheet available to all institutes of education and relevant organisations. Organisations just need to provide us with a copy of their logo and we will provide them with a customised factsheet and poster free of charge. For more information email

Partners section: download fact sheets and posters

Students' Unions in no way condones the use of illegal drugs.

Campaign Press

The campaign was launched by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Criona Ni Dhalaigh, in The Mansion House, Dublin on April 1st 2016.

Launch photos to follow.

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Poll Poll

Have you ever been impacted negatively by someone else's drug taking?