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‘Treating people who use drugs as criminals increases risks’ - community workers push to decriminali

Community workers are trying to convince the State that decriminalisation is the only way forward, as fears mount an expert working group may recommend continued criminalisation.

The community workers, who have been involved in the National Drugs Strategy, said the Working Group on Alternative Approaches to Criminalisation for Possession, was “likely to recommend Ireland continues to respond to people who use drugs, through the criminal justice system.”

But those supporting a more holistic approach, said recent evidence has highlighted decriminalisation is working.

And they say the promotion of criminalisation would be a step backwards for Ireland.

The groups point to the drug-related death rate in Portugal, currently at 4 per million compared to 70 per million in Ireland.

Since Portugal decriminalised all drugs in 2001, the country has witnessed huge decreases in overdoses, HIV infection and drug-related crime.


Source: Laura Lynott, The Irish Independent, 27th March 2019

Posted by on 03/28 at 09:13 AM in
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