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Revealed: How often gardaí have conducted new drug-driving test at checkpoints

Just 1pc of Garda checkpoints conducted over a nine-month period involved a new screening test for suspected drug driving.

Yet since new Road Traffic Act regulations came into force last April, one in seven tests conducted on motorists has been positive for suspected use of drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and opiates.
Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan confirmed to Tommy Broughan TD that of 52,395 mandatory intoxicant tests (MIT) conducted since April 13, a mere 612 were for the new drug screening test.

A startling total of 90 gave a preliminary positive for the suspected use of drugs – a failure rate of almost 15pc.

Over the nine months, the rate of positive detections increased by 700pc.

Road safety campaigners have demanded greater resources for the Garda traffic corps amid fears drug driving is set to prove as deadly as drink driving.

PARC road safety founder Susan Gray expressed “deep concern” that a mere 1pc of tests conducted at checkpoints involved the new oral fluid sampling.


Source: Ralph Riegel,, 16/02/18 

Posted by on 02/16 at 10:36 AM in
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