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Experts: Drugs industry exploits children

Responding to the murder and dismemberment of 17-year-old Keane Mulready-Woods, they also highlighted the need for intensive intervention with teenagers engaged in the drugs trade, saying there is a “dearth” of such projects.

One such ground-breaking initiative, due to be piloted this year, will target 20 to 30 children and their families in two communities with the aim of pulling them out of criminal networks and thereby helping to “dismantle” drug gangs.

The developments come as gardaí appealed for information on the movements of a blue Volvo S40, registration 161 D 48646, which was stolen in Sandymount, Co Dublin, on December 15.

It was recovered partially burnt out on January 15, bearing false registration plates 141 MO 1925. Gardaí want to know where the registration plates were made.

A Garda spokesman added that the Volvo had four matching alloy wheels when stolen, one wheel has been changed, and gardaí want to speak to anybody who may have information about that.


Source: Cormac O'Keeffe (Additional reporting by Noel Baker and Sean O’Riordan), Irish Examiner, 17th January 2020

Posted by on 01/17 at 09:55 AM in
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