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Minister Wallace Launches New Stronger Codes Of Practice To Control Alcohol  

Speaking at the Launch the Minister said that the Government was extremely concerned about theimpact of alcohol advertising on young people in particular. The revised Codes are a move to control the content and volume of alcohol advertising across all media in Ireland.

A significant element of the new Codes will be the placing of an upper limit of 25% on the volume of all alcohol advertising. This means that for the first time alcohol advertising will be limited to no more than 25% of available space or time in all Irish media i.e. TV, Radio, Cinema, Outdoor Advertising and the Print Media. New controls will also deal with alcohol advertising or sponsorship during the broadcasting of sports programmes.

In tandem, the Minister also stated that the Department will commence a process to identify areas in relation to alcohol advertising, promotions and sponsorships where legislative measures might be necessary to afford greater protection to young people. This process would encompass areas outside of the scope of the existing codes on advertising, for example, sportswear bearing alcohol companies’ logos.

“Adherence to and implementation of the revised codes on Alcohol Marketing and Sponsorship will be one of the important factors for Government to consider in deciding what further measures might be necessary”the Minister said.

The revised codes will have immediate effect for new contracts on 1st July, 2008 and for all existing contracts by 1st October, 2008.

The publication Alcohol Marketing, Communications and Sponsorship Codes of Practice can be found here

Posted by Administrator on 07/04 at 12:00 AM in
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