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HSE launches new Alcohol Awareness Campaign

30% of 16 year olds are regularly getting drunk - Knowing the facts about alcohol and how to talk to young people about alcohol can help to prevent the harm that teenage alcohol use can cause. Visit the HSE's Health Promotion Site to read more about Underage Drinking.

The HSE Alcohol Awareness Campaign features a thought provoking television advertisement, depicting a number of young people in a variety of situations where they are exposed to and gain access to alcohol. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness in adults about the extent of underage drinking, the ease of access which young people have to alcohol and the benefits in delaying the age at which young people start to drink.

The campaign has been launched as preliminary results of research carried out by the HSE reveal that:

  • 91% of adults agree that underage drinking is a problem in Ireland today.
  • 50% of those questioned believe there is nothing they can do to stop young people from drinking alcohol.
  • Just 15% believed their own drinking habits influence the drinking habits of young people around them.
  • 81% of those questioned believe that it's easy for under 18's to access alcohol in pubs and off licences.
  • Just 40% of those questioned would drink less if they thought it would discourage young people around them from drinking alcohol.

Mary Wallace TD, Minister for Health Promotion and Food Safety said, "In order to tackle the problems associated with alcohol misuse we need to take responsibility both collectively and individually on the need to protect children and young people from the harms caused by alcohol misuse. I intend focusing on alcohol policy as a priority in my new role as Minister for Health Promotion."

Dr Joe Barry, Population Health Directorate, HSE, said "We now have a problem which impacts negatively on so many areas of society - from increases in sexually transmitted infections, public order offences and young adult suicide. There are many benefits to delaying the age at which young people start to drink; underage drinking is a risk factor for heavy drinking later in life and starting drinking in mid-teens increases four-fold the risk of alcohol dependence in later life. However, many adults simply do not realise the impact their alcohol intake has on their children. Young people's drinking behaviour is very often modelled on those observed in adults so it is particularly important that children and young people are equipped with the skills and knowledge to cope when faced with choices about alcohol."

Catherine Murphy, Assistant National Director for Population Health, Health Promotion, Health Service Executive, said, "This campaign is aimed at all adults, children and teenagers and those who purchase alcohol for teenagers. There is a perception that teenage drinking is an inevitable rite of passage despite the fact that there is a wealth of evidence pointing to the damage that it can do. We hope this campaign will encourage adults to support young people in delaying the age at which they start to drink alcohol."

To support the campaign the HSE has available a number of alcohol awareness booklets. The purpose of these booklets is to help parents discuss the issue of alcohol with their teenagers and assist adults in reflecting on their own alcohol use. 'Straight Talk - a guide for parents on teenage drinking' and 'Less is More' -, both of which can be accessed at or through the HSE Infoline 1850 24 1850.

Watch the TV ad


Posted by Administrator on 05/20 at 12:00 AM in
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(1) Comments


#1. Posted by gina on October 14, 2010

I have been combing through many sites trying to find some informative help that prehaps i can pass on to my 16 yr old neice.  I am frightened at how prolific drinking is amongst our young people and am afraid that we can only blame ourselves for creating this society that sends wrong messages & wrong examples of behaviour to our younger generation. I realize that her circle have been dabbling and decided to find some books/films that have believable yet stong advice on how to handle this legal drug…..and so far am astounded that the only information I have found is not nearly enough.  Surely in today’s age there is a film that brings the viewer along the journey of a teenager that come up against these things and tries to find methods to handle them….and one that is believable?????

Why hasn’t Hollywood produced something along this line with actors/actresses that our younger viewers look up

I would really appreciate any material that helps with this issue, so that I can share with my young niece…This is a society that is soaked in alcohol and we need to start dealing with it before it drowns our teenagers completely!!!

Please help me with some information on how to go about this???

Thank you for your time, Gina Hickey.





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