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€2m allocated for drug projects.

Minister of State John Curran, who leads the Government’s National Drugs Strategy (NDS), said tackling cocaine use and implementing a report on rehabilitation remained priorities.

Mr Curran said the cocaine initiative funding of nearly €1.2m would assist in developing responses to cocaine or extending existing projects in local drug task force areas.

He said drug task forces were also developing local cocaine awareness campaigns from funding of €500,000.

Eleven projects in Dublin will receive funding. Clare, Louth, Cork, Kilkenny and the mid-west will each have a project benefiting.

“It is important that we continue to treat the problem of cocaine use as a serious threat to society — this funding will assist in developing vital services for those experiencing problems,” said Mr Curran.

A further €750,000 is being provided under the Rehabilitation Initiative, to assist recovering drug users reintegrate back into society.

“Rehabilitation is a key priority and is recognised as such in the Programme for Government. These projects support the recommendations of the Report of the Working Group on Rehabilitation,” said Mr Curran.

Source, Cormac O’Keeffe, Irish Examiner, 17/09/2008

Posted by Administrator on 09/17 at 12:00 AM in
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