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Register for our new National Services Directory!

Help usNew National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Services Launching Soon! will shortly house a new National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Services. The new directory will replace our existing service directory.

Inclusion in the directory is though a self-registration process. Services will need to use their email address to register, and when they have done so, they will receive a unique username and password.  This username and password will allow a service to access their details in the directory at anytime, in order to update, edit or review the information.  Once the new directory goes live, services will also have access to upload videos, referral / application forms, newsletters etc, when and if needed.

Click here to start the registration process.

Registration will require you to fill in a few initial questions in relation to your service. When you have completed this stage, you will then receive an email with your username and password, and instructions on how to complete the full registration process.

Once registered, you can access and update your services information at any time.
Our hope is that all addiction and support services (community, voluntary & statutory) in Ireland will register and manage their information on an on-going basis.  Services will also be able to upload referral forms, photos, videos etc. This information will be beneficial to potential service user and the service provider. This information will assist in making appropriate referrals from individuals and services.

Multiple entries are possible for services with various locations or types of service.

We want to give each agency, each project, each clinic and residential facility its own dedicated area on This .will be a national directory but one that it locally managed and locally owned.

The benefits we hope the new directory will bring to all users:

The benefits to services providers in exchange for a little bit of your time:

Should you require any assistance when registering, please contact:
Jennifer Clancy at, 085 132 7974, 01 620 1671

This is a HSE funded initiative.

Register your service now.

Posted by Andy on 08/22 at 02:29 PM in
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