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World No Tobacco Day – Monday 31st May 2010

HSE encourages smokers to ‘do your health a favour and quit your smoking habit’

Are you sick of smelling like an ash tray?

Are you worried about wrinkles, yellowing of teeth and aging prematurely?

Are you fed up with having to stand outside your local pub or restaurant while all your friends are having fun inside?

Are you sick of feeling anxious and uncomfortable on long haul flights because of your nicotine addiction?

Are you worried about how your smoking is affecting your health and the health of your children, let alone the example you are setting for them?

Tobacco use could kill one billion people during this century. Why not prepare yourself to quit smoking for good!

To mark World No Tobacco Day today (Monday 31st May 2010) the HSE is encouraging smokers to try to give up smoking.  Dr Fenton Howell, Director Public Health, HSE outlines that ‘if you’re a smoker, giving up smoking is the one most important and best thing that you can do for your own health.  Don’t be put off if you have tried to quit before and were not successful – that happens many people who try to quit smoking – the important thing is to keep on trying to quit and get help from your family, friends, your GP, your pharmacist, your local HSE health promotion smoking cessation service, the National Smokers’ Quitline and’. 

‘One year after quitting your chance of a heart attack or stroke drops by 50% and after 10 years the risk drops to almost the same heart attack risk as a non smoker. It’s never too late to quit’ he explained.

You may have tried to give up many times, but did you know that with each attempt it gets a little easier. You’ve learned from the one before. Preparing to quit means taking a good look at your smoking patterns and identifying what makes you smoke. Make a realistic plan for how you will cope with your triggers and high risk situations.

You don’t have to go it alone. There is support for those who want help to quit.

Visit the HSE’s quit smoking website today and start your own quit plan and see how much you’ll save yourself by quitting.  You can sign up for daily emails with tips to support you.

GP’s offer many supports to their patients when trying to quit.  If you have a medical card you can, through your GP, receive Nicotine Replacement Therapy for example, the patch, gum, inhaler or microtab free of charge.  You can also visit your pharmacist who has information on supports available to you to help you quit the habit. Remember the cost of buying nicotine replacement is still cheaper than smoking and it is a short term cost to help you cope with your cravings.

The National Smokers’ Quitline 1850 201 203 is open from 8am to 10 pm Monday to Saturday and has smoking cessation counsellors willing to help you make your own quit plan and give you ongoing support. You can also contact your local HSE Health Promotion Office to make an appointment with a tobacco cessation specialist.

The National Smokers’ Quitline is a partnership between the HSE and the Irish Cancer Society.



Posted by Andy on 05/31 at 12:01 PM in
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