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Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment Services (SWAAT) research

Dr Jo-Hanna Ivers, Department of Public Health & Primary Care, Institute of Population Health, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin is conducting new research among woman within Ballyfermot and Tallaght to gain insight into their experiences of dependency and addiction support services.

What is the Purpose of this study?

You are being asked to take part in a research study intended to support women to access appropriate treatment services in Ballyfermot and Tallaght. Researchers from Trinity College Dublin will ask you about your experience in addiction services.

The following questionnaire focuses on three main questions:

1. What in your opinion has worked to help women access treatment for addiction in Ballyfermot and Tallaght?
2. What in your opinion has not worked to help women to access treatment for addiction in Ballyfermot and Tallaght?
3. What needs to be done differently to help women access treatment in Ballyfermot and Tallaght?

Your answers will be recorded online and placed in a pool of answer on the online platform. Answers will be recorded anonymously so that no answer will be traced back to individuals. Your Information will be anonymised and stored by the research team from Trinity College Dublin.

What are the potential risks of taking part in this study? There are no risks attached to your participation in this study.

What are the potential benefits of taking part in this study? Your participation may help to make it easier for women who use drugs or alcohol to access appropriate services, as well as improve the services available to women who use drugs or alcohol in your community.

Do I have to take part? It is up to you whether to take part in this study or not.  If you decide to take part, you will need to sign a consent by selecting an option below. Even select the consent, you can choose not to complete the online submission. However, once answers are submitted, the survey will not be final as it is recorded anonymously you cannot retract information as we cannot trace information to any individual. 

What will happen to the study results? The study results will help the research team and potentially other treatment providers to improve their services. The results of the study may be made available for publication. Your data will not be traceable back to you in any way.

By taking part you acknowledge: Your participation in the study is voluntary. You are 18 years of age. You are living or working in Ballyfermot or Tallaght. You are aware that you may choose to terminate your participation at any time for any reason.


Take part here

Posted by on 10/13 at 10:43 AM in
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