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The 5 most commonly used illegal drugs in Europe and how much they’re worth

A new report released this week gave a breakdown of drug trends in Europe.

Cannabis is the most widely used drug in Europe and accounts for almost 40% of the entire drug market, according to a new EU drugs report.

The estimated market value of cannabis is €9.3 billion annually. This is within a range of  €8.4 to €12.9 billion.

It is followed by heroin – which is worth an estimated €6.8 billion (between €6 and €7.8 billion) and is responsible for a significant proportion of drug-related deaths and social costs.

This is followed by cocaine (€5.7 billion), amphetamine (€1.8 billion) and MDMA/ecstasy (€0.67 billion).

New psychoactive substances are also a serious and growing market, but due to large number of different substances falling under this heading and the speed with which new products are introduced – it’s difficult to put a market value on their worth.


Source: Cormac Fitzgerald, The Journal, 10/04/16

Posted by on 04/11 at 08:29 AM in
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