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New Podacast: Launch of B-Smart Programme

The latest podcast features a recording of the official launch.

B>Smart is a multi agency response to alcohol related harm in the Clondalkin Area and involves a number of local community groups and statutory agencies.

This Initiative is funded by Pobal (Dormant Accounts Fund) and its development is supported through a multi-agency partnership between:

Ronanstown Youth Service (CYC), The GRAFT Project, The Valley Project, South Dublin County Council, Clondalkin Local Drugs Task Force, the Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, Community Awareness of Drugs (CAD), St. Peters Apostle School, St. Mary’s Senior School, & St. Bernadette’s Senior School Clondalkin.

The initiative will run from September 2008 for two years.  There are a number of facets to the initiative and the emphasis from the start has been to bring together all the main stakeholders in the community.

The four main parts  of the initiative include:

  1. A programme run in sixth class of three primary schools St. Peters Apostle School, St. Mary’s Senior School, & St. Bernadette’s Senior School Clondalkin.
  2. The establishment of a youth cafe for sixth class from each school in addition to directing the young people into current youth services in the area.
  3. Three parents seminars to coincide with Halloween, St Patrick’s Day and the start of the summer holidays.
  4. A concentrated effort on behalf of An Garda Síochána and South Dublin County Council to enforce the legislative powers available to them.

In addition to these four pieces, stakeholders will continue to work together to mobilise current community supports for young people and families who are dealing with issues related to alcohol.  Training will be provided to those in the community working with parents to deliver a six week programme to parents on tackling the issue of alcohol with their children.

The focus of the schools programme will be to promote healthy choices.  Over the course of the year, youth workers in conjunction with the class teacher will build on the work being done with them through SPHE in the production of two pieces of project work (a large art piece and a short film/advertisement) in addition to giving them the opportunity to take part in forum theatre and try out hill walking and other outward bound activities.

For further information contact:

Eddie D’Arcy (Chairperson of the multi-agency steering committee),
Manager of Youth Work Services,
Catholic Youth Care,
Arran Quay,
Dublin 7.

Telephone:- +353 1 8725055

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Posted by Administrator on 09/30 at 12:00 AM in
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