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HSE Report: Alcohol’s Harm to Others in Ireland.


The HSE recently published a report examining the damage from alcohol to people other than the drinker in three Irish settings – the general population, the workplace and children in families. The information is based on self-reported responses in the national drinking surveys of 2006 and 2010, funded by the Health Service Executive.

The report is entitled: 'Alcohol’s harm to others in Ireland' and was prepared by Dr Ann Hope, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College, Dublin.

Launch and presentation

The report was launched as part of Alcohol Awareness week 2014.

Below is video footage of a presentation given by Dr Ann Hope at the Alcohol Forum Conference on the findings of the report - and also video footage recorded at the launch of the report - featuring Dr Stephanie O'Keeffe, National Director, Health and Wellbeing, HSE, and Minister of State for Primary Care, Alex White T.D.




General Population – key findings





This report introduces the concept of ‘alcohol’s harm to others’ in an Irish context and the results indicate that problem alcohol use can no longer be framed exclusively in the realm of harm to the drinker. In over a quarter of cases harm to others is documented and in the case of each of two specific situations, one a vulnerable population (children) and the other economic (the workplace) one in ten report harm to others. While men generally experience more harm from others, in two domains – family and finance-women experience more harm.

Alcohol policy development from now on needs to be focused on protection of young adults, women and children (Ireland voted in November 2012 to support Children’s rights) and to promote healthy, safe and productive workplaces. A policy response for the alcohol issue in Ireland requires a pro-active, integrated approach which accepts that damage from alcohol to people other than the drinker is a major element of the alcohol burden in Irish society. The new ‘Healthy Ireland’ framework provides an opportunity to reduce the risks posed by alcohol to future generations and improve the health and wellbeing of people now living in Ireland by implementing effective alcohol policies.

Download 'Alcohol's Harm to Others' Full Report

Download 'Alcohol's Harm to Others' Key Findings

Posted by Andy on 04/07 at 11:05 AM in
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